Please do not think this is something I am doing because I do not know my characters. The reasons I am sticking with the characters from Volkenheim and not expanding, yet, is because those books are not out yet. Furthermore, if I reveal a character too early, it could affect the punch of my plot. I have an entire universe planned out, which includes another 24 books. There are a lot of characters to be shared but they may come slowly and only after that book is out.
As it is, there is plenty left to do with the Volkenheim brothers and their wives. Not to mention, while I did introduce magic in the first book, I realize that it may not make a lot of sense to the reader. Or, the reader may just want to know more about the magic and how it functions in this world. So, that is what the focus will be when waiting on another book to come out and new characters to be revealed.
If there are any questions about anything within the Volkenheim world, please drop a comment and I will answer it as soon as I can. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope everyone who reads this blog continues to enjoy the content. Cheers!
