Now that NaNoWriMo April 2021 is over, I can get back to editing and making blog posts. It was a pretty productive month but the story is completely finished and didn't go at all how I had semi-plotted it out. Oh, well. The story writes itself and I am but its' humble servant.
So, during this prior month of writing, I've realized that I was having creative issues and time issues and so I'm going to be cutting back on my blog posts. Instead of weekly blog posts, I'm going to try out every other week and see if that helps. However, if I continue to be having issues, or if I'm getting a bit too far ahead from what is out there, then I'll have to slow even more. I'm hoping that every other week will be what I need to get all you readers the wonderful additional information you are wanting for the Volkenheim world. With that being said, as I didn't get much done this past week, the next blog post will be the week after next. Which will be the 20/21st of May.
Hope y'all are looking forward to it. Thanks for sticking around for my blog.