So, within my books, it doesn't seem like what Damon can do would really be considered a 'Master' talent or a 'rare' one for that matter. However, at the rate/capacity that Damon can do it, that's what sets him apart. All magical people within the Volkenheim universe are capable of teleporting - as I call it - but it is very strenuous for even an advanced magic user. Try to picture it on a molecular level and all other levels that make up a person. When teleporting, all these things have to be taken into consideration and thought about before actually teleporting. The ability to do it in a split second like all the Volkenheim brothers can, and on the mass scale that Damon can, is what truly sets them all apart.
People have been know to lose a limb or two when teleporting beyond they limits, and even succumbing to death. Keep that in mind as you enjoy this peak into Damon's head.
Becoming a Master Teleporter
I am not one to share like this, but it was put out by my family – namely my wife- that for future occurrences, having written documentation of such talents would be beneficial should the prior Master not be there to take the reins.
Now that the long-winded start is there, let us begin.
What is a Master Teleporter?
An excellent question, though if I am to be truly honest, when I was told my future, I was none too pleased. Sure, most magical castors know how to move about from one place to another, so why the need for such an elaborate title? Is not all transportation magic relatively simple? Short answer, no.
Of course, I was in the group that thought otherwise until my training began. Contrary to how I am now, I was quite the skeptic and back talker in my youth. I was still the middle-man for my brothers and I am still the most level-headed but that does not imply that I am a pushover. It also does not imply that I cannot be stubborn or pig-headed.
Master Teleporter- The Basics
If I recall correctly (it has been a while) it takes between 25-50 years to become a Master
Two sets: livable and non-livable
It may seem strange but the effects of moving livable versus non-livable things has different tolls on the mind and body.
Must pass yearly tests to remain a Mster.
This is actually different from my brother’s specialties. While they do have tests during training, there is no tests after becoming a Master. Why the difference, my Master never told me. Just that I had to pass this yearly test put in place some time ago. Did you know it is magically set-up to come about yearly? Same day and everything. If you don’t take that test on that day, you are no longer a Master and will have to try again the following year.
I know this because I did fail this test one year. To be frank, I forgot all about it. Names in magic do have power and with one’s title comes a certain boost in power. Needless-to-say, I felt the decrease the next day and I could not have been more appalled. Thankfully, it did not spark the need for the Universe to try and find another able person to take over.
This test is really quite simple. There is a set-standard for both livable and non-living things. You must teleport them a specific distance without any side-effects. Essentially, it needs to be effortless. Now, as I am immortal, I pushed past those boundaries long ago, so the test is but a mere inconvenience. Still, who ever thought an exam would be so obnoxious.
The people who are a part of this exam tend to forget about it too. The town took to hanging up notices but the main inhabitants were contracted to stay when this exam was put in place. A touchy subject for some. If in the event the descendants of those original people wish to leave, they have to “fill” their spots. Well, I try to make an appearance every now-and-then to make sure the people know what is going on. Personally, I think the test should have more strenuous limits. It seems so, weak, to only have to transport 100k people and then the two castles, cathedral, dungeons, and the mountain. Ridiculous. Simple. Oh well. I guess not every one will be immortal with time to spare. Yes, that was funny.
Interesting fact. Did you know if you do not know how to teleport properly, you can kill yourself or others? Additionally, if you are not an adequate teleporter, even simple movements of inanimate objects can fall to ruin. It takes more concentration than one might think.
As Mandated,
Damon Volkenheim