For those who have read Volkenheim, this character will be familiar, but there isn't too much in the actual novel about him. So, I thought it would be grand to fill in the fans about the first antagonist in the Volkenheim series.
Victor Volkenheim has been around for a long time. Since the beginning of the world, actually. He is an original member of the council of 13 chosen by the Gods of Magic themselves. (The original council was chosen some 20,000 years ago). Among the other members of the council, while all powerful in their specific magics, Victor learned he could attain magic at an increased pace, mastering it with ease while not draining himself in the process. This got Victor on the road to thinking he should be a leader. So, he began his quest to attain rare magics. During this process, Victor established himself as a powerful Lord, feared among the populace. However, while feared there was peace within the regions he controlled.
Throughout the years, there were factions that tried to rise up against him. Some became his puppets, while the majority perished. After a few thousand years, those that would oppose Victor, faded into the mists.
While Victor was gaining his powers, and his control over the various regions of the world, there was still certain rare magics that he could not learn to possess. In fact, he couldn't even find them. Becoming desperate, he began to delve further into research looking for answers. It was also at this time that he began to manipulate the council members into revealing their secrets and their magical arts.
During his search for answers, he came across some valuable information. Children born in multiples were more likely to possess rare magics because rare magics needed balance. Such as the magic of life and the magic of death. One magic would each be given to a twin and they would balance each other out. No one person was supposed to possess them.
With this in mind, Victor began a new search. The search for a magically strong mate from a long line of twins. When he found her, there was no love. There never was. It was a bargain. However, unbeknownst to her, he was secretly slipping her various magical potions to enhance the chance of her having more than just twins. When she did become pregnant, her health began to fail her. upon finding out she was going to be having a set of quintets, she steeled herself to make sure they would make it into the world. She managed to carry them to just shy of 29 weeks, but the delivery of them drained her to the point of death.
Victor felt no loss over her death. He had gotten what he had wanted. Five identical brothers who would possess rare magics that he would later learn, therefore, enhancing his strength and further solidifying his place as ruler. Using his ultimate primary magic, Puppeteer, he was able to enter into the boys and got a feel for what magics they would possess. For the first five years of their life, all the boys were attentive to their father and his wishes. Victor was pleased. Until the primaries of the boys began to spark in random occurrences. Victor began to be more disciplined with the boys and their affections and attentiveness started to recede.
Victor tried to use his best persuasions and manipulations to get them to comply, but it continued to drive the brothers away. Victor held onto Damarcus, whose magic was showing the most. He began to be more manipulative of Damarcus, and would even impersonate him from time to time. However, by the time the quintets were 12, they were completely against Victor. Damarcus was pleading regularly with his brothers to save him, and these pleas had terrible consequences.
In final attempts to reign in the boys, and Damarcus, Victor exploited Dedric and his weakness. Dedric was the smallest and the most feeble of the boys. All the brothers were extremely protective of him. When Dedric began to sustain injuries after every time Damarcus would plea for help, the other three brothers - Dante, Damon, and Dartanian- began to turn on Damarcus. Victor noticed that the brothers were not being accepting of Damarcus anymore and finally, around the time he was 18, he locked Damarcus away for good after making a solid puppet of him to continue to try and manipulate the brothers.
Victor, in his one final attempt to get the brothers to cooperate, paraded as Damarcus and killed Dedric. This was not a good move. Victor barely got away with his life that time and he learned that he needed multiple puppets to ensure his safety. After that, he never went out among the populace himself, rather, he sent puppets of himself. This worked in his favor a few years later when the three brothers - Dante, Damon, and Dartanian- came back to kill him for good. Seeing an opportunity to continue to rule but in the shadows, Victor let them believe they had killed him.
For the next four thousand years, Victor plotted out how to rid himself of his selfish children for good. However, his need for power, his narrow outlook, and his ego eventually got him killed for good.