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Writer's picturetishaustin92

Gearing Up!

Let's get ready to rumble! Though not in a bad way.

What I'm talking about it that I'm going to be starting on in-depth bio's for my main characters in my Orchids novels. This is my third novel and is related to the Volkenheim world but is a part of this Soul Magic Universe I'm creating.

Don't get too hyped though because I'm still working on how to put these out without giving away too much of this novel. What that means, I still not quite sure. It's a work in progress.

I wanted to give my readers something to look forward to, though, so I figured I'd drop this little post Easter egg. There are a lot more characters involved in this novel and it is... different from my first two.

First, I should tell you, it involves Dragon and Orcs. So, I'm delving more into a full-fledged fantasy world. It's good but it puts a difference on my writing style. For anyone who's read my work, you know I'm a hopeless romantic with lots of fluff, happy endings, and not much gore. THAT'S NOT ORCHIDS.

While there is still romance and "fluffy" scenes, there is going to be trauma, blood and gore. There's also likely to be angst and trigger warnings, but (since I always will be a sucker for a happy ending) there will be a happy ending at the end. Just be prepared for those differences.

This also means that this novel will be longer than my previous two. Since there are more characters, and there's more to the story, I need the pages. Haha.

There are a few things I want to point out right away.

1. Dragons in my world are possessive and arrogant (prideful). There are primal creatures which means they aren't going to act like my immortal Volkenheim brothers. I'd be prepared to have a love/hate relationship with them.

2. Soul Magic is there but is worked differently in this world. That'll be explained in the book.

3. I'll be dealing with different realms... or parallel planes. This has to do with the Dragon's abilities, again, that'll be explained in the book.

So, there it is. I think that's enough info to keep fans (readers) satisfied for now. Yes? I hope this information has peaked readers interests in Orchids. It's gonna be a hell of an adventure.


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