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Dartanian and Amelia

Writer's picture: tishaustin92tishaustin92

For any who've read my book, it was stated/mentioned that Dartanian and Amelia were the second couple; however, I've chosen to present their journal entries for their dream meetings via Soul Magic first because Dartanian has been one of my favorite brothers. Plus, I like the dynamic that is Dartanian and Amelia; how their personalities compliment each other. Least I think I wrote them out right, haha. Anyway, these next few weeks will be dedicated to them. As I was transcribing these entries into Word, I realized it's longer than I thought when all typed out. So, to keep it a little short and sweet - and to keep y'all in suspense, anxious for the next entry- I've split them up. It will be in sets of two, that is, Dart's perspective and then Amelia's. Hope you enjoy!



The first dream I had of her was the most peaceful…no, it was the most blissful moment of my life thus far. It amuses me, as I never did see her face, but the overhaul of serenity was still there. To most everyone, I’m a ticking time bomb with a mad-looking face and most think I’m borderline insane. Honestly, I wish everyone could experience Soul Magic Nice if that was how it worked, eh? Enough of this, I know the people want the romance. Needy, needy.

Please be kind and remember, what the magic shows you are the possibilities with your mate, so it usually involves the most gag-like things that men likely wouldn’t do, but I don’t actually care. It was wonderful, and if you don’t like it, don’t read it.

It was an open field. One filled with wildflowers of and odd assortment of blue, violet, soft pinks and yellow hues. To me, it was more stunning than a handful of the best roses. Her hand, gosh, it was pure silk wrapping around my hand, interlacing her fingers with mine. So gentle but oddly cool. I was not expecting her hands to be cool. Her hair was like an ebony waterfall cascading down her back just below her waistline. The ends of it swayed back and forth in the gentle breeze and all I wanted to do was run my hands through it. I don’t know how to explain this, but she led me here. To this place. It was something she knew or had come across cause I know I never had. It irked me that I couldn’t walk around to behold her face, alas! I was rooted to the damn ground!

Time was irrelevant. When I finally managed to get my mouth to work, well, go figure I sounded like some possessive asshole. Not only that, but the way I said it, well, if anyone had heard it they’d think I was some deranged sociopathic stalker! I got you hooked don’t I? Well, to quell the suspense, in a very creepy voice I managed to work out the word, “mine.”

Although it was awkward, she didn’t pull from me and, though I know it was creepy, it also solidified that she as meant to be mine. Of course, it wasn’t just that. She’s has a musical voice. So…mmmm. She spoke back to me. She replied and my heart soared. She said, “Yes. Forever.” In that moment, the ones you want to freeze in time and stay in forever; well, it faded away.

She was so close. I could feel her. Heard her. Damn this Soul Magic if I didn’t find her.


My first encounter with magic was the first dream I ever had of him. I didn’t know it was magic. All I knew was that I’d never known such peace and safety.

I had led him to a place I’d only ever dreamed of. I never asked him when I met him if he thought it was real. Perhaps, when I was younger, I might have gone to a similar place, but… nevermind. I used this vision in my mind as an escape from the misfortune that was my life. For him, I wanted to share the beauty of it and, perhaps, keep him from seeing the ugliness that surrounded me.

My mind does not recall every sensation, but I remember what I’d call the most important part. He only spoke one word. ‘Mine’. To some, it might sound overly possessive or ugly, but to me, it was soft and filled with uncertainty. Like he needed to hear that I agreed with him. I answered back with, ‘yes, forever.’

People may think ill of me or that I’m ill of mind, but in that moment – somehow- I knew it was the right thing to say. By affirming his desire, I knew he’d find me, no matter what.

If only any one of us could have foretold what would transpire three moons later…well, perhaps there might not have been rivers of blood soaking the dirt.

But that’s a tale for another day.


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