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Writer's picturetishaustin92

Dante Volkenheim

Dante Volkenheim is the main hero of the story and is part of a set of quintet boys. Though he was not the first one out, he is the head of the household. Dante stands at an impressive 7'1" which has its advantages and disadvantages. His hair is raven black which he keeps in a medium style never extending past his ears and never shorter than an inch. His eyes are a vibrant green that darken when he is angry and brighten when he is elated or amused. His eyes are almond shape, with straight brows and a straight nose. A diamond face helps to make his jaw look very defined and every so often he lets stubble grow out a bit. His mouth is somewhat thin but not super thin. And, once glasses became a thing, with his help in that magical enhancement, he found that precise square shapes flattered his face. While not overtly vein, Dante does like to make a good impression on others when he happens to be around them. This is also a habit from how he was raised as he and his brothers are known as Lords. Dante has maintained their ancestral home in Vriufush on the mainland of Vogriprica where there family attained the status of Lord. He was also the brother who killed their father.

Dante blames himself for the death of his brother Dedric. Since Dante felt so strongly that Dedrics death was his fault, it helped to propel him into the primary magic he chose to wield: Pain Bearer. Becoming a Pain Bearer takes 107 years. After Dante successfully passed the first seven years of conditioning, his immortality kicked in. Dante and his two brothers, Damon and Dartanian, were already guaranteed immortality by the council once they hit thirties if they had not chosen, or possessed an ability to utilize, a rare magic that granted that user rights to immortality.

Being a Pain Bearer is a rare magic and not just because of the years it takes to master but the mental and physical strains it places on the bearer. He would be tortured constantly, and then, after his seven years of conditioning, he would continue to take the torture, but begin to torture others. Dante had to pass seven tests during his training, upon which he would receive a permanent marking for each. The first marking is not so visible because it is a loss of vision, making Dante half-blind without the use of corrective lenses. This was extremely problematic as the use of magic enhancements in this area had not been worked on much until Dante got involved in it. The next marking was a long diagonal cut that started on his face from the middle of his nose down his left cheek and neck to his collar bone. The third is actually a dual set that mimics barb wire and winds around both his forearms. The fourth are nine-tale whip marks. He gets whipped three times with this which amazingly only lay three deep set markings on his back. The fifth is a horizontal slash across his abdomen. The sixth is three slash marks on his right shin that each start at the knee and then work they way around back ending at the ankle. Finally, there is a large burn marking on the back of his left knee.

Now, becoming a Pain Bearer, besides succumbing to torture for years, is the ability to stand pain and then be able to take others pain. And, the worst part of this training is the need to understand how to deliver torture to others. This actually makes the marks he receives a ceremony of sorts. He must torture in the way he is getting marked. The absolute downside to this, besides its inhumaneness, is that each person getting tortured will get killed by Dante as well.

Now, becoming a Pain Bearer, besides succumbing to torture for years, is the ability to stand pain and then be able to take others pain. And, the worst part of this training is the need to understand how to deliver torture to others. This actually makes the marks he recieves a ceremony of sorts. He must torture in the way he is getting marked. The absolute downside to this, besides its inhumaneness, is that each person getting tortured will get killed by Dante as well.

Along with their power, however, each Bearer has their own moral code. And while it does follow along with most ideas among society, they are considered rogues. Even more so when they are not contracted by the ruling party at the time.

All around, Dante became a reserved individual who tends to not show emotion. He has explosive outbursts, but rarely, and is not only mentally strong, but physically strong as well. He says what needs to be said and that's the end of it. He does more thinking and contemplating and still has a hard time letting people in. And when he does let people in, he expects them to understand that it is a high honor. That should his trust be betrayed, his wrath will rain down upon them and he will not show mercy. This does change a bit when Henrietta comes along prompted more by her magical ability and the fact that she is his soul mate than anything else.

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