I realize that being able to open up about who these characters are is refreshing for me. Even ones that don't have such a large part, like Dedric. I just did a post about him on the character blog and I felt a lot better knowing that those who have read my book will get the chance to know him too.
On a side note, I actually have a side-story about him and the rest of the brothers I was going to do, but that won't be until later. (spoiler alert!)
I think what makes such a memorable and readable book are the characters. The relatability of them, their personalities and their quirks, all of this helps the reader to immerse themselves in the story, even if it is only make believe.
This is also helpful to me, as a writer, because having these profiles down rather than just floating in my head, allows me to go back and brush up on these characters should one or more of them fall out of text for a while.
While this does not seem like something that should happen, in my Universe it does. I have 24 other books planned and about 20 other characters that all live in my head. So, yes, I do get confused sometimes. It actually happened when I was writing my first book: Volkeneheim. I kept mixing up Damon and Dante's eye color. It's a small thing but looking at the overall picture, it can still be quite impact as eye color is one of the distinguishing things about these brothers.
I am not the best at keeping things separate and a lot of stuff can blur. But, that does not mean I do not know my characters. Which is why I enjoy writing it down. So that I don't mix/meld it with another characters profile.
End of rant. Thanks for reading. If you haven't checked out my character profiles I would encourage you to do so. Cheers.!